Financial Policy.
As a FeelGood Chapter, we will therefore:
- Invest 100% of the money we raise into The Hunger Project;
- Not raise money under the auspices of FeelGood for organizations other than our partner;
- Not use social enterprise donations to support our chapter’s development in any way including operations, events, and reimbursement for peak experiences;
- Partner with FeelGood staff in the set-up of online fundraising pages and credit card processing systems;
- Always act with honesty and integrity and in a way that will reflect favorably on FeelGood, and comply with all applicable policies of our university/college and all applicable laws;
- Submit donations twice annually – by December 18 and June 18 – to FeelGood staff for prompt investment in our partner organization; and
Practice transparency in financial management by implementing the following practices: - Establish and maintain a chapter bank account for managing finances through our college/university. If this is not possible, we will work with FeelGood staff to explore other viable options. At all times, the chapter bank account will require at least two signatures;
- Have a cash box for safe keeping of on-hand cash during delis or other fundraising activities.
- Submit reports for all fundraising activities to FeelGood within 7 days after the event or activity.